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CETS Technologies, serving as international preferred developer of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Environmental, Social and Governance (EGS) Asset Investments for the implementation of CETS Global Carbon Emissions Reduction Program. CETS is a community asset developer and manager, systems integrator and industrial engineering company based in the United States. By empowering people and building coalitions to transform communities and conserve the earth’s natural resources one self-sustainable Eco-Village at a time. We are a company that collaborates with leaders in sustainability across urban planning, architectural, engineering, technology design and construction sectors, with deployment of net-zero waste recycling into renewable utilities solutions for community transformation. We are providing the tools for transforming communities through Assessment, Strategic Planning, Partnerships, Adaptive Technologies, and ESG Investments. Our vision is to organize and build communities to generate higher resource efficiency, stimulate economic growth, reduce endemic poverty, and improve health— resulting in linked sustainable communities.
CETS Global Carbon Emissions Reduction Program UN Global Compact Virtual Leaders' Summit 2020 Live Webcast Session Whitepaper
CETS-SDG Partners Presentation UN Leader Summit 2020 Event (pdf)
DownloadCETS-Ahart Solutions International 7-Pillars Brochure 2020 (pdf)
DownloadCETS Smart Net-Zero Eco-Village Whitepaper (pdf)
DownloadTurning Lane South Carolina into an Eco- Village (pdf)
DownloadUN Global Compact UN General Assembly 2020 (pdf)
DownloadCETS Technologies, Inc is a cutting edge science and technology integrator organization related to waste mitigation for carbon reduction, organic food production, water purification, recycling, renewable energy, information technology, advanced construction material, green transportation, motors, synthetic biology, lighting, refineries, health and wellness, education, and more to address climate change.
CETS Artchitech concept is one who designs the artistic application of the life-force (chi) energy to technology for the building of structurally sound, aesthetically profound and sustainable communal ground for communities and their human life-cycles. We're offering deliverables resulting in a comprehensive, coordinated look at ecological issues, e.g. environmental, cultural, social, educational, and recreational issues, goals and objectives. This approach will achieve the most appropriate sustainable net-zero infrastructure development model.
CETS has created a unique international research and design component linked to certified consultants from a broad range of academic and professional backgrounds. These consultants specialize in the areas of sustainable clean technology, urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, industrial design, engineering, graphic design, and project management. Our team of participants will bring several decades of solid experience in every aspect required to Research, Design, Engineer, Build, Finance, Manage and Grow sustainable net-zero waste to 100% renewable energy projects for emerging markets.
CETS will integrate technologies to eliminate all carbon waste, produce energy entirely through renewable resources, creating the hinge-pins that will scale up the Clean-Tech sector markets. Building a resultant sustainable circular bio-economic production and trade platform, creating eco-friendly business and employment opportunities across industry sectors. Organizing communities to have higher resource efficiency, stimulating economic growth, reducing poverty, improving health, therefore resulting into the transformation of sustainable communities and regional emerging markets.
CUTTING EDGE TECHNO SOLUTIONS (CETS), PROTRAIN, and UBCTV have come together to create CETS’ Global Independent Cooperative Workforce and Business Development Program. The program is designed to inform, educate, and inspire participants in supporting Regional Smart Eco-Village Commodities Production and Trade hub development projects. These smart Eco-villages will be established within underserved communities on a decentralized net-zero waste-to-energy micro-grid platform, reducing the carbon footprint across its regional markets with each market spanning and serving a 90-mile radius.
CETS PlayForce, is a paradigm-shifting future-ready workforce, personal development, entrepreneurial management and job training system. A key component within Cutting Edge Techno Solutions (CETS) landmark “DeCosta-White Sustainable Socioeconomic Infrastructure and Community Empowerment Engine” platform. PlayForce is designed as a distributed learning and collaborative intelligence networking platform to prepare the emerging workforce by developing participating members’ mindset, knowledge-base and the skillsets necessary to be competitive and prosper in the transition from a linear to a circular economy, and specifically within the our Circular Economy Transformational Systems..
We’re inviting cultural creatives, veterans, independent workers, unemployed, underemployed, and self-employed who are committed to environmental, personal and economic development to join our project implementation process.
Our Mission: preparing and positioning two million participants in the global emerging Circular Economy through the Independent Cooperative Workforce and Business Development Program.
Our Vision: organizing and building communities to generate higher resource efficiency, stimulate economic growth and resiliency, reduce endemic poverty, and improve healthcare outcomes. This program will bring together independent workers, existing networks and professionals from a broad range of academic and skilled backgrounds to help implement sustainable solutions.
Our Objective: incorporating a team approach that will establish environmental, social, governance (ESG) business and investment opportunities through the value chain of information, resources, products and services offered by its subscribers, creating and transforming businesses into local and regional sustainable eco-friendly business models to compete in the marketplace.
Participate in our Independent Cooperative Workforce and Business Development Program – The First Two Million Participants that Signup for our 5-Year Term Consulting Agreement will receive 100 NVZN Tokens as a participate in INVIZION Global Movement #RenewableRevolution |
Please send your Bio and Headshot to
CETS Playforce Independent Cooperative Workforce Development Program
We’re inviting cultural creatives, veterans, independent workers, unemployed, underemployed, and self-employed who are committed to environmental, personal and economic development to join our project implementation process. Offering Job Training, Pre-Certification for all of CE's certification from the nation’s leading training firm ProTrain LLC. Providing opportunities to tap into the $250 Billion-And-Growing Independent Consulting Sector.
A Sustainable Cooperative Environmental, Social, and Governance Business Development Program. Preparing and positioning participants in the new Global Blockchain Circular Economy ecosystem for socioeconomic growth and sustainability.
Small and Home-based Business Training, Certification and Incubator Program Opportunities; Back office support tools for Business and Wealth Creation; Opportunities to tap into CETS Circular Economy platform for access to the $4.2 Trillion-And-Growing per year Sustainable Net-Zero Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Service Sectors.
Preparing and positioning 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Community Development Corporations as stakeholders within CETS Regional Circular Economy ecosystems. The task will be to help mobilize, inform, educate and inspire local criticizes to participate in the transformation of their community.
Creating a grassroots community mobilization program offer through local community based socioeconomic development organizations as stakeholders. CETS has incorporated the traditional Apprentice-Journeyman-Master learning modality for people who’ve been left out of the job market and can now be 'retuned' to meet the growing demand for independent Cooperative Workers within the Circular Economy 4th Industrial Revolution.
We look forward to helping people connect to the resources they need to turn their dreams into reality, and work becomes play within our circular economy ecosystem.
CETS Independent Cooperative Workforce and Business Development Program.
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